Wednesday, 16 December 2009
So todays the day for handing in Innovative Cut - how exciting!
I feel like since my last post have have really pushed myself to get more research/designs done. I've found this project inspiring and enjoyable. I feel like I've tried my I'll just have to wait and see what the result is! It's been quite difficult at times just because I'm working quite a lot at Urban and I've had a lot of personal stresses, but I managed to get on with it ehich is the main thing!
I'm just glad its all done now!
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Not enough effort....
I got my Jewellery elective mark back, which was a poor 56%....I'm a little disappointed with the grade but theres nothing I can do about it now!
As for innovative Cut-I've got a lot of research done I just need to do some more designing (i dislike designing A LOT) I will get it done eventually though. I've bought my fabrics for my final garment, I'm making a collar/hood piece that relates to the effects of smoking on the basically I'm burning most of it!It should all work out fine,just fine!
Today, we managed to find a lovely house for next year so thats one worry out the way, and I also managed to get our enterprise presentation sorted for Monday...another weight off my mind!
I feel a little bit like I should be pushing myself more in second year, I eman I am working hard and I also have a part-time job, but when I see people making garments for their own stalls and already doing work placements it makes me feel rubbish. I should be working harder, but I just feel like I have no energy or time to do it. Thats just an excuse because if Jess and Nicole can manage it with jobs and work placements and stalls then why can't I?!
I think I've lost my love for passion is dead! I want to do more and really do well but I just can't be bothered.
I wish I was more motivated or just naturally good!
Oh goes on
Thursday, 19 November 2009
No woman, no cry
So we have started our new project innovative cut-mixed feelings on this, but it always takes me a while to settle into a project so hopefully it will all fall into place soon. I’ve started researching but I just feel something is missing- I don’t know what it is. I might try taking more of my own photos and have a look in the museum for a little more inspiration. There’s a lot of independent study with this project and it’s a real test....I just hope that I manage to keep up the pace!
So far so good...I just hope I can keep it up.
On the work placement front I have heard off another company but they just said they don’t keep CV’s on file, so I need to send them another nearer the time! Annoying! To be honest though I haven’t sent any more off-so I better get on that soon!
Right now we have:
Innovative Cut, PPD 2, Enterprise and finding work placements....right now the most important to me is innovative cut but I know I need to manage it so I’m doing a bit on everything. I find it quite difficult to think about more than one project at once, but I shall have to see how it all goes-otherwise I’ll fail and drop out....JOKING! It’ll be alright it always is in the end.
STRESS IS A FORM OF WEAKNESS that is what I always tell myself whenever things get tough! So, so true!
Monday, 9 November 2009
done done doneeeee!
Friday, 16 October 2009
They sell lovely vintage fabrics and buttons....there's just a good vibe about the place! I also went to the Royal College of Art's exhibtitons at the V&A-
Here are some of my personal favourites:
2nd Year Blues
Monday, 5 October 2009
2nd Year-maybe the toughest?
The groups I've been put in aren't the best-just because they both have people who are leaving the course or might as well be leaving as they never come in!But you have to just look on the bright side and just get the best out of what you do have...the rest of my group are fine and I know we will do alright in the end!
I've had quite a productive day as I met up with Stubbs and we came up with our enterprise idea and even made a website-I'm well impressed at our skills! We've basically sorted out all the details just need to research into finance and our typical customer. I'm pleased we sorted it because its been stressing me out A LOT!
And as for application for design-its going good have the research just need to start to design...we need to get together as a group and think about our logo for the swing tickets and how we intend to sell our garments etc.
I'm feeling a lot better about it all. At the start I was so overwhelmed by the work I just felt like giving up! But I'm basically half way through the degree now and I would feel much worse if I was to just give up on it all!
So I just hope that tomorrow I get as much work done as I have today!
We shall see....
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Roll On 2nd Year!
So the first day back we met our new 2nd year tutor Gemma who seems really nice- we also received out VERY PACKED timetable! I was quite shocked at how full it was, I don't know why though because I knew that things were going to start getting tougher.
We are not in now until Friday for PPD2, I'm looking forward to starting back properly and getting back into the course again.
My week won't be wasted though as I've recently got a new job with Urban Outfitters, which I am really chuffed about-Start tomorrow!Wahey.
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
The Best Bits
I really enjoyed the shop report and felt that I learnt a lot. I learnt about how the finish of a garment, the quality of fabric and even advertisment of a brand can be reflected in the price of the garment.
I feel the trend boards are one of my best pieces, as I decided to use CAD because I wasn't very confident with it. And In the end I was really quite pleased with the results.
This research page is from one of my favourite projects "Creative approaches to fashion". I achieved my highest grade so far on this project and really liked using collage as a form of drawing.
I learnt a lot outside the Fashion discipline in Fashion,Art and Culture and I think this is why I feel its one of my strongest pieces. I was able to experiment with unconventional materials and be completely free with it.
This is my final photoshoot for Creative approaches to fashion and I feel that it really captured the caption "it fell from the sky". I've always enjoyed photography, which is probably why I liked this project so much.
This is a research page from Container Culture. I feel its one of my best as I was able to use quite simple but effective shapes to get my design and ideas across.
This is one of my final pieces from my Jewellery Elective, and although at first I didnt enjoy it towards the end I really started to get into it. I was pleased with the outcome and feel its one of my best as I was able to create a Jewellery piece based upon the art deco era within a week with no previous experience.
Another page from Container Culture but this time its showing design development, I like this page as it is clear where I got my ispiration and ideas from. I had never really done any proper design development before and so was happy with the grade I got for this project.
Another exciting research page from Container Culture. I like it because there's so much going on and it includes different textures where I have sewn into the research to create more ideas.
Design Ideas for Container Culture, taking one object and changing it into something different and wearable.I feel like the layout of my pages have really progressed over year, which is why I'm so fond of the research in this project.
I feel like this is one of my best pieces of illustration work as I really struggle with drawing, but after an intense week of drawing I felt a lot more relaxed about it. I used marker pen to create this image and am really pleased with the result!
As I had development a slight fear of drawing I decided to use CAD and collage to create some of the final images for our first project, this is one of the best.
This is one of my research pages from creative approaches to fashion, this project was a lot like how I worked on my Foundation course. I was able to lay-out and research well in this project and it is one of my best this year.
I find working and experiementing on the stand really helps me to get my ideas flowing. I created this piece for out latest project and was really proud. I havent done much pattern cutting and I was able to create half a garment in a day with no help!
I love this final garment as its innovate and I found the project really exciting. I was able to use moulage for the first time successfully and create something I'm really happy with.
So here are 15 pieces of work from my 1st year that I feel are my best pieces so far!
So that sums up my first year nicely!
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Well worth it!
I got my results for fashion, art and culture and was quite disappointed with the 61% that I got because I really enjoyed the project and learnt a lot from it. I suppose deep down I know that I rushed into my final piece, but I think that’s because we had a crit about a week before the deadline and I was advised to change my outcome which I had basically made by this time. I think crits are a really good idea and they help everyone out loads but I just don’t think it’s a good idea to have one so close to the hand in date because it makes everyone panic. The feedback really helped me to understand why I got the grade that I did, and I suppose as long as I know I can improve on it.
This time next week I would have finished my first year….*sobs*, I’ve really enjoyed it and although its been difficult at times, its been well worth it in the end!
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Body Design
I chose to do my final design in jersey because of the way in which the fabric fell, and then incorporated knit around the neck line. The back of my garment mimics the spine by using elastic to gather, creating a spine-like shape, the front is a mixture of pin-tucks and knit based upon tissue and arteries.
I’ve almost finished my final garment just a few final touches, but I think I’ll be done by the end of the week! Wahey! Then its just binding my sketchbook, illustrating and evaluating-but we’re doing that in class tomorrow, so that’s alright.
Working with my 3rd year is going really well and I’m having a great time. I’ve done a lot of different things while working with Jennifer such as sourcing fabrics, sewing tags, tracing patterns, I think is a very good experience. Its basically like being a studio assistant and would look great on a CV.
A few days ago I received my elective result and I got 66%-which was a shock. I’m doing better in Jewellery than in Fashion! Uh Oh! I also got my crit essay result and I got 58%-I was a little disappointed with the grade as I put so much work in, but my tutor explained why I didn’t get any higher and so now I know how to push my grade up, so that’s okay.
Oh and I’ve bought my tickets for GFW, which I’m very excited about.
This year seems to have just flown by!
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Dawn Hurry up!
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
More timed tasks!
I absolutely loved seeing Mr Chalayan's work in the flesh, I think he's a really talented and unique designer.
Today we were set another task, to create one side of a garment from our design pages. At first I was thinking “oh dear, how an earth is that even possible?!”, but after I got started I realised that a lot of it is just logical thinking. I managed to get it done in the time allocated but I feel if I could I would do things slightly differently in order to create a better effect and save time.
If I was to re-do this garment I think I would stuff the arm slightly instead, as I found it difficult to find wire or boning that would support the shape I wanted to acheive. Although, in the end I used both boning and wire I feel it is far too delicate and could only be worn for a short period of time.
It was a brilliant exercise to do though and I learnt a lot about translating drawing/designs from 2D into 3D. Tomorrow we will be continuing to work on developing ideas but I think I’m going to try out one of my other designs and see how and if it works successfully.
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Bank Holiday Weekend
On Friday (our private study day) I went to London with Ella and visited the design museum to see Hussein Chalayan’s exhibition, he’s one of my favourite designers so it seemed only right to go! I thought it was amazing it was quite small but I suppose that’s because there was a lot to take in. I’ll upload some photographs once I’ve found my camera!!
So it’s been quite an eventful weekend so far and I’ve also been working on the metamorphosis project and now I feel I’ve got my head round it. Everything seems a bit clearer!
The rest of this bank holiday will be spent doing more samples and designs for metamorphosis...well that's the plan anyway!
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Hardcore, but almost over!
Tomorrow we will be meeting our 3rd years!! We will be acting as there assistant helping them with their final collection-I’m quite excited about it all!
I can’t believe how quickly the year has gone! All that’s left id metamorphosis and PPD and then we’re done!
Friday, 24 April 2009
Catch up!
I researched the role of a fashion PR all quite interesting really, it’s a busy job then what job isn't?! The roles of this job include getting samples and outfits ready for studio shoots, magazines, clients etc. Also arranging meetings and may include dealing with the press it’s basically the organization behind a company-well that’s what I like to think anyway! Very office based. Working along side senior Pr, Directors of the company, visual merchandisers, fashion photographers and press. Everyone relies on you to get jobs done promptly...the pressures on! The pay starts at about £14 k, and the hours are normal office hours but obviously you will have to do the occasionally extra like any other job. I’m quite interested in going into PR work-well at the moment anyway that would change, after all I’m only a 1st year! I’ve still had no luck with the work experience and few have been interested and offered interviews but then never got back to me-oh well their lose I’m sure. That hasn’t stopped me though I’m still emailing companies but I’ve changed my covering letter and altered my CV a little incase that’s what is causing the lack of interest. I doubt that’s it though-I’ve contacted about 25 companies; someone is bound to take me up on my offer of FREE LABOUR!! We are experiencing a recession after all!
I decided to use this image (above) for my final, I saw it as the strongest out of my favourites.
One company that did take me up on a day of free labour was Arrogant Cat, I worked a trial day of 9-5:30pm for nothing and didn’t end up getting the job! I’m quite disgusted actually, not only that I didn’t get it but that they didn’t have the courtesy of contacting me to let me know! Unbelievable eh?!
Since then, I have nearly finished my fashion, art and culture and I have to say I’ve really enjoyed it, it’s a shame all the ones I love are only 10 credits!!! I’m just finishing my evaluation and struggling a little with it- but I’ll get there eventually! The photo shoot for my final image went well I changed it a little to my original idea but it worked all the same.
We’ve been given a new project called “metamorphosis”, well we were given it before Easter and have to have 15 sheets for Tuesday….yeah about that-so many distractions at home…but I am on it and I’m sure I’ll be ready for Tuesday! One hopes so anyway. Better get on with it!