Back at college now...I spent my reading week in Prague!It was lush and so nice to get away from everything!Although, I came back with more then I bargained for....don't worry - it was just the common cold and cough but now I have no voice!I had so many ideas before I went to Prague and now I'm back I feel too ill to get on with it all!It's so annoying-I have such a dizzy head all the time!I'm hoping my next week I will be fit as a fiddle.I don't get ill that often at all (I think I caught it on the plane!).
Anyway, I did manage to do some reading for crit in Prague and also took lots of photographs.
I feel like Fashion Concepts is a brilliant project, but its difficult to get your ideas down on paper-I'm hoping this is just one of my usual "I can't do it!" moments and it will fade soon. I am enjoying though and have lots of ideas, so I suppose thats good.
Work placements aren't looking too great Im definately not gonna get one for easter which is what I had hoped-I've given up a bit to be honest. I've must have contacted over 30 people...okay its 35, and yes I did just count! Not to mention the people I've called...well, I've only called about 3/4 people. I should get back on it really...
Enterprise-I hate. I can't wait for it to be over...its so much work and really difficult to work in a group, especially when they're only 3 and I know we sacked 1 person, but still some groups have 5 people!!c'mon!It's all too much for me! I just hope we pass at least!
Right, I need to try and get on with some work now.
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