Tuesday 23 September 2008

Learning the right way

Right, so after looking over what I'd previously written I realised I'd missed out my first proper lesson at LCAD - "Knowing me, knowing you" and as I learnt a lot from this I thought it was only right to include it!
In this session we learnt about ourselves, about how we work best and our learning styles. This fascinated me as I love to learn more about myself and how I work best. I know that might sound a little odd because people always say that, “no one knows you better than you know yourself”, but sometimes I feel that I lie to myself and I think everyone does occasionally. In this session we had to record what sort of learner we thought we were, so there’s me thinking that I’m solely a visual learner and quite a physical, logical and verbal learner….how wrong was I?! After completing a questionnaire to test this theory of mine, I realised I was completely off the mark. I wasn’t a logical learner at all, in fact that was what I scored lowest in and as for being a visual learner…well I’ve just been lying to myself all along! I’m actually more of a verbal learner which was my highest score, it makes sense really because I can never seem to shut up!
So, after this session I found out that the way I thought I learnt best isn’t actually how I learnt at all, and maybe I was just writing down what sort of learner I wanted to be rather than what I actually am. I feel that sometimes it’s difficult to write down what you’re real thoughts and feelings are, so you just guess or put down how you would like to be perceived. I’ve decided to work on my weak points and try and be more logical and work in a more visual way in order to get the most out of my BA Fashion course.
Another valuable lesson I learnt today is to be very careful with my finances and I’ve started to make a note of my incomings and outgoings so I don’t end up struggling too much. Actually I’d say that was pretty logical of me, but we shall see if I can keep up with it all!

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