Saturday 11 October 2008

Not worth the stress

This week has been a pretty hectic one with a lot to take in. I’ve felt the strain of the course and its only just began, which is a little bit worrying. I think I just gets moments where I feel like I can’t achieve what I want to, but I think everyone gets those moments…I’ve just had a whole week of it! Don’t get me wrong I’m really enjoying the course and I love learning new things but I just know its going to get harder and I need to learn to deal with it-somehow.
I absolutely loved our Creative approaches to Fashion Design lesson on Tuesday. We had to use imagery from our project to design garments, and I found that it was quite similar to how we used to work on my previous course, but actually if I’m honest it did get a little tedious near the end but that’s probably because I’d exhausted all the design ideas for my image and should of really changed it.
The dreaded drawing lesson went better than I could have ever expected. I started out badly but by the end I was quite pleased with what I had produced. Oh and I found the media I work best with and what definitely not to use again! A success I’d say.
Well the week would have been a success if I hadn’t struggled so much with dart manipulation! I felt like the thickest person ever, for some reason it just wouldn’t go in and it wasn’t until after lunch I even realised what was going on! Lucky I caught up and managed to kind of understand what was happening! What a relief!
So for what remains of this week I’m going to try not to stress out and just get on with it!

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